Thursday, April 15, 2010

Live Free or Die

I was tooling down Daniel Webster Highway in Nashua stopping in at this store or that because that's what you do when you're in Nashua. My Ford Escape hybrid has Massachusetts license plates, and it is adorned with bumper stickers of various Democratic candidates, from our state senator to our governor to our president. This is something I rarely think about; it just is.

I was in the right lane; the driver's side window was down because it was warm and sunny. Furious beeping started and I looked around to see what was going on. A red pickup truck zoomed past me; the driver was simultaneously leaning on his horn and giving me a determined thumbs down.

It took me a minute: My bumper stickers. I've never had that happen to me before. You have to be pretty pissed off to go out of your way to honk your horn repeatedly and gesture out the window while traveling at 40 miles per hour or so.

It makes me determined to get even more stickers in the next election cycle and travel to Nashua more often.


  1. A friend of mine related a similar story to me today, but in her case the other driver followed her for a while beeping. Finally side by side at a stop light she realized he LIKED her bumper stickers! The other driver's behavior was still threatening and asinine.

  2. It's amazing how some people act behind the wheel. Is it a power thing? Do they feel safe acting ridiculous because they're in a steel box? Who knows.

    Crazy, man.
