Monday, September 6, 2010

Things I Have Noticed Now That Jenny Has Moved Out

1. She really is the only person in this household who understands me.

2. The liquor cabinet is mine, all mine, again.

3, It's not as much fun watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians without her.

4. No one gets my Gilmore Girls' references. “Oy, with the poodles already.”

5. No one gets my Sex and the City references. “You get a day, not a week.”

6. The coffee supply lasts a lot longer.

7. There's no one to give me an honest opinion about my shoe choice.

8. The smoke haze in her car (now Connor's) is slowly dissipating.

9. There's no one to make fun of the songs on my ipod. Oh, wait. . .

10. Who's gonna side with me on the AC/No AC and heat/no heat arguments with Pops, as she calls him?


  1. Awwwwwwwww. And I've proposed this to other moms. I feel I need a mom's group now more than I did when I had my first toddler. This "stage" of parenting...the stage where you are parenting an adult with her own life and her own relationships-where you are allowed in but not fully and totally and completely is HARD. It is the biggest transition I've faced as a mother and I don't like it. But I do because it means things are as they should be. They just happen sooner than you are ready for them. Don't they?

  2. Agreed. And, as politically incorrect as it sounds, it's different with a daughter than a son. I was sad and disoriented when my son left, but it is soul-affecting with my daughter. I know that when your children leave it means you've done a good job. But now I'm just surrounded by boys who get each other. I want her out on her own, but I'm weepy. What to do, what to do.

  3. Come on, Cheryl! You KNOW I can weigh in on the shoes. Forever girl-less (and that's a lot worse), Debbie

  4. In an emergency, if you can't get ahold of Jenny, call me (re: the Gilmore Girl references) or shoot me a photo (of the shoes). If I'm not here, talk to Katy (she even knew what Shane's name was).
