Thursday, August 13, 2009

Learners Permit

You'd think it would get easier with the third kid, but it doesn't.

I've learned a lot (mostly through mistakes) in my attempts to raise 3 healthy, happy, eventually independent children. With the oldest, I breast fed for 12 months, carried around a food mill to grind carrots for baby food, had plug protectors and toilet seat locks, rocked him to sleep every night, limited TV watching to Sesame Street only. With child number two, I breast fed for 6 months, tried to remember to pack the Gerbers, yelled “stay away from the outlets” when she became interested, gave her a pacifier at night and allowed the Disney Channel. By the time child number three rolled around, reality ruled. He had a bottle at 3 months and was lucky I remembered to feed him at all. I made sure the toilet bowl was clean before he splashed in it. A gate was put on his bedroom door so that if he didn't go to sleep right away at least he stayed in his room. “Thomas the Tank Engine” was on non-stop.

But sitting in the passenger seat while your kid drives with a Learners Permit doesn't get easier with the third one; it is still Ultimate Torture. My foot constantly slams on the imaginary brake pedal. I dig my fingers into the seat each time he makes a left turn. I scream “mailbox mailbox mailbox” as he hugs the side of the winding country road. Just like I did with the first two kids. When I take a step back and think about Third's driving, it is actually quite good. Earlier this week, he merged onto a highway, changed lanes, make a difficult left turn and negotiated a traffic-packed rotary. Quite confidently, at that. And despite the fact that his lunatic mother was hyperventilating in the passenger seat.

His older siblings warned him: Don't drive with mom. She'll make you crazy. Dad's better at this. The reality of the situation is that mom's schedule has more flexibility than dad's and the only way to learn how to drive is to do it.

We go out on the road again today. My martini better be ready upon my return.


  1. I'm mixing it as we speak.
    And I think I will walk around today saying "mailbox mailbox mailbox” just for fun.

  2. Stop using the Miata and it will solve everything.
